Dharma Field – COVID Guidelines
Vaccination and mask requirements
Those exhibiting COVID-like symptoms.
Vaccination and mask requirements
- Masks are welcome, but not required.
- Dharma Field does not have any requirements regarding vaccination status.
Those exhibiting COVID-like symptoms.
- We ask that those showing COVID-like symptoms not come to Dharma Field unless you have either tested negative for COVID or you have recovered from it.
"Out beyond ideas of wrong doing and right doing, there is a field. I will meet you there." -- Rumi
Dharma Field Meditation and Learning Center is a community dedicated to the practice of Zen and the teachings of Buddhism in a setting not bound to any one culture. We welcome everyone. FULFILLING OUR MISSION
At our center in Minneapolis we offer daily meditation, sesshins, Dharma talks, social and special events, as well as volunteer opportunities open to all. We also offer a multi-year curriculum in Buddhist studies and study groups which provide a thorough background in the teachings of the Buddha, Zen, and the Wisdom teachings of the Mahayana. If you’re new, click below for suggestions as to where and how to begin exploring our offerings. Meet the Dharma Field Board of Trustees
Ingrid Bjorklund: Board Chair Pat Quinn: Treasurer Cindy Cuccia: Secretary Beau Elkington: member-at-large Rick Palm: member-at-large If you are a member of Dharma Field and would like to review the board meeting minutes, please contact the office. New TO DHARMA FIELD OR ZEN?
Listen to meditation instruction Dharma Field offers six brief audio lessons on meditation. Also, please join us for Meditation Instruction which is given periodically throughout the year. Keep an eye on our calendar for dates and times. Attend a Sunday talk | 10 a.m. Sunday talks are free and open to everyone. Currently, they are offered live and via Zoom. Please contact the Dharma Field office for a Zoom invitation. Attend Wednesday evening programming| 8 p.m. On Wednesday evenings, Dharma Field offers a variety of programming, including study groups and free, public talks. Currently live and through Zoom. If you are interested, please contact the Dharma Field office for an invitation. Register for classes You are welcome to start your exploration with classes, though there is a charge for them. Three courses: The Four Noble Truths, The Eightfold Noble Path, and The Practice of Meditation are each ideal for those beginning an exploration of Buddhism. |