Daily Schedule
Sittings are free and open to everyone -- donations in any amount are appreciated. Please plan to be in the meditation hall at least five minutes before the scheduled sitting time. Schedule can be affected by sesshins. Please check calendar for exceptions to the schedule.
MONDAY – FRIDAY Mornings 6:00 Sitting meditation 6:35 Walking meditation 6:45 Sitting meditation MONDAY – WEDNESDAY Evenings 7:00 Sitting meditation 7:35 Walking meditation * 7:45 Sitting meditation * * The second walking & sitting meditation (in the evening) will not be held if there is a class, study group or other offering on that particular night, in which case, only a single 7pm evening sitting will be offered. Please check calendar for info on classes & events. FRIDAY Evenings 7:00 Sitting meditation 7:35 Walking meditation 7:45 Sitting meditation SUNDAY Morning Schedule 8:00 Sitting meditation 8:30 Walking meditation 8:40 Sitting meditation 9:10 Break/Set up 9:30 Sitting meditation 9:55 Break 10:00 Dharma talk (Zen lecture) 11:00 Social tea |