Donations accepted with humility and gratitude
Donations – Your gift to the General Fund helps to support our teachers, provide a tranquil practice space, and enable programming for our learning center and website. To learn more or to pay by check click here. Volunteering – To contribute your time at Dharma Field please contact our program coordinator. Donating online
Payments accepted with:
Recurring Payments Following the first time that you submit a recurring automatic donation (monthly, quarterly, annually), you will receive an email with a link to create a free account with Donorbox for managing payments, such as changing the amount or payment dates. Donating with check
Bring or mail your check to: Dharma Field 3118 West 49th Street Minneapolis, MN 55410 Please include your contact information and write “20xx GIVING” in the memo line to indicate the year that it applies to. BACK TO TOP |
Previous payment system:
As this new Donorbox system is more user-friendly for both donors and accounting, we plan to eventually use it exclusively for donations and membership payments. We encourage you to start using it. However, for the time being, to continue using our previous donation system please click here. |